Corey Akisanya (He/Him)
Corey Akisanya is a nurse practitioner who works at an urban community health centre in Ottawa where he focuses on Hepatitis C prevention and treatment, HIV prevention and treatment (PrEP/PEP), and men’s sexual health, on top of his regular family practice. He recently found a passion in medical aesthetics, and now owns a health and medical aesthetics practice / business and is a medical director for other healthcare providers.
While growing up in Winnipeg, Manitoba, he struggled with his identity as a gay Black male and found support through his friends. From lived experiences, he developed a desire for social inclusion, equity, equality, and improving health and social supports for community members.
What’s your favourite thing to do right now?
Sending voice and video notes to my friends. I find it adds a little extra personal touch and contact since it has been almost a year since the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s time to be creative and to find ways of connecting with others.
How are you staying creative?
I am currently staying creative by picking a style or a specific type of food, and making it from scratch. Most recently, I had the Spotify playlist, ‘The Perfect Italian Dinner,’ playing, a bottle of Pinot Grigio, and made Gnocchi from scratch, which is a big thing because I rarely cook! This has turned into a Sunday late afternoon routine.
How do you manage COVID-related stress/anxiety?
Playing classical piano, going for walks, and Zoom sessions with my friends in Toronto have been a necessity for my mental health during this pandemic!
Who is your favourite streaming DJ on FB or Instagram Live or what’s your go-to playlist?
Kylie Minogue – Disco (Deluxe) Album. I’m obsessed! Puts me in a great mood and makes me want to dance!
BGMN committee off Interest:
Sexual health and pleasure
Substance use